Unify Your Data For a
More Connected District
Effortlessly share data across your district with Level Data
Integration. Traverse data silos, reduce manual processes, and ensure
consistent, up-to-date information—everywhere and at all times.
Simplify Data Connections Across Your District
Managing a district’s data is overwhelming, especially when essential applications like Google Classroom, Canvas, and other administrative tools aren’t seamlessly connected to your safety instrumented system (SIS). Without automated integration, these systems operate in isolation, perpetuating data silos that demand extensive manual work and redundant data entry to ensure information remains accurate and current. For districts, this means reduced efficiency, more data errors, and missed opportunities to use data in meaningful ways.
Level Data’s Integration suite eliminates these challenges by directly connecting your SIS to over 200 applications, aligning systems in near real time, without the need for custom development or ongoing maintenance. With the Integration Suite, you get a unified data flow across your district, a boost in operational efficiency, and confidence in the reliability of your information—all with minimal IT effort.
Unified Data,
Effortless Management
Save time and resources
Reduce time-consuming manual updates and duplicative data entry with automated integrations, freeing up your team for higher-priority tasks.
Ensure reliable data across all systems
Consistent data synchronization keeps information current and accurate across platforms, improving decision-making and efficiency.
Empower district-wide collaboration
By connecting systems across departments, the Integration Suite improves collaboration, making it easier to identify and achieve district goals.
Eliminate the need for custom development
Built-in integrations for your key applications mean no costly, time-intensive custom development.
Powerful Features Designed
for Seamless Connectivity
Request a Demo
Ready to see how Level Data’s Integration solution can simplify data management across your district?
Request a demo today and experience the difference seamless integration can make for you.