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How to Access Level Data's Validation Summary Report

July 19, 2023 at 2:42 PM

Located within the State Data Validation Suite (SDVS) of services is the “Validation Summary Report”.  This reporting service is available for all users to see various statistics based on the number of records in violation of validation rules for your state. 

Access to this service requires activation from Level Data.  Once activated, users will have an additional hyperlink labeled as “Validation Summary Report” within the Level Data Apps menu or icon.  It is highly recommended that once this service is activated that the SysAdmin should disable the page for users that shouldn't have access.

The user will see the following screen displaying a list of rules that have violations found. This summary will be displayed in descending order of how many records are in violation.

If the user is logged into the District Office, they have the ability to click a drop-down arrow to see a further breakdown of violations by school:2023-07-19 09_26_08-Greenshot (2)

A district user also has the ability to filter based on school by clicking on the “School Filter” link.  From there, they can select the desired school(s) so that only those errors are displayed in the results not associated with any active or inactive students within the system. 

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In this example, only Apple Grove High School and Cherry Hill Middle School were selected.  The summary screen for individual rules will now only show those entries making it easier for the user to identify where efforts may need to be focused to get data cleansed:

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There is an option in the School Filter area to clear the current filter for subsequent filtering needs:

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Also included is the ability to export the results displayed, these exported results will respect the current school filters:

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Al Momrik
Written by Al Momrik

Al Momrik works at Level Data as a Data Quality Analyst, arriving in 2013. He works primarily with the State Data Validation Suite, a series of services which help PowerSchool users to find errors in their data and correct them in a shorter amount of time. Before coming to Level Data, Al worked in a school district in Michigan for 23 years. He was a Technology Director, a SysAdmin for PowerSchool, and was responsible for all State data submissions. He has worked with PowerSchool since 2007. Al also is a presenter at 6-8 PowerSchool conferences around the country annually.

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